ChatGPT but make it...easier

You're not about to fiddle around with another AI tool. So I did it for you.

  • 12 prompts and call-to-actions

    Post ideas vetted by a copywriter and written by ChatGPT, so you can customize and create engaging and relevant posts for your audience to "follow for more".

  • Unlimited post ideas

    No blank page or blinking cursor — only an unlimited number of post ideas for you to publish in minutes (from customer objections, common mistakes, trends and best practices, and more…)

  • Never a dull moment

    Channel the dry humor of advertising star Ryan Reynolds or tap into other alter egos like your inner savvy social media influencer.

Vetted by a copywriter. Made for entrepreneurs.

Save more than 10 brainstorming hours

Stop sucking up time for ONE post idea!

Let Social Fuel spit out content you can customize and create into engaging and relevant posts for your audience. Social media calendar included.


  • Do I need to have an Open AI ChatGPT account?

    Yes. This product is best used with an account but don't worry, I'll show you how to set everything up, and you won't need to log in again. Or experience blackouts due to overcapacity on the site.

  • What do I get with my purchase?

    A walkthrough video of how to use this product. The Google Sheet with the prompts and the auto-generating function integrated, including a 12-month content calendar for you to add to. Annnd any and every update I add along the way.

  • What is the quality of the output?

    Auto-generated tools use advanced algorithms and machine learning to create content tailored to your brand the more you use it. It will analyze your target audience and topic inputs to create engaging, relevant, and effective content ideas. Also, I've left room for human oversight and creativity to ensure that the content matches your voice and is of the highest quality.

Drive clicks and shares, not overwhelm

power up your content creation